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Environmental and Social Safeguards Consultant for Peru GCF Project

Organization: World Wide Fund For Nature
Closing date: 11 Nov 2019


EN ESPANOL AQUI: https://wwf-gcf.org/2019/10/30/consultor-de-salvaguardas-ambientales-y-sociales-para-el-proyecto-gcf-de-peru/


For the Preparation of an Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF), including Indigenous Peoples Planning Framework and Process Framework for the Green Climate Fund(GCF) Project, Peru’s Natural Legacy – Amazonia and Climate

Project Title Peru’s Natural Legacy – Amazonia and Climate: Effective management of the
Peruvian Amazon for climate change mitigation and adaptation
Type of Consulting Individual or team
Project location Peru
Consultancy Location International, Preferably in Peru
Start of Contract November 2019
Termination of the Contract 30 March 2020
Working Days 120 Days


1.1. Green Climate Fund

The Green Climate Fund (GCF) is an operational financial institution of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), which was established as a mechanism to contribute to the collective efforts of the international community and thus combat climate change. The GCF funds programmatic approaches that provide an opportunity for a transformative change in countries' climate resilience and green economies, prioritizing a balanced approach between adaptation and mitigation. The GCF can be accessed directly by the Direct Access Entities (DAEs) of developing countries and/or through international and regional Accredited Entities (AEs). World Wildlife Fund (WWF) is an international AE.

1.2. Peru's Natural Legacy Initiative

Peru's Natural Legacy Initiative (PdP – in Spanish) aims to achieve the effective management of the country's Natural Protected Areas (NPAs), avoiding greenhouse gas emissions caused by deforestation and forest degradation and enhancing the sustainable management of existing forests (REDD+), as well as generating significant increases in climate change adaptation that benefits people, ecosystems, and infrastructure located in and around Peru's NPAs.

Over a period of 11 years, starting in 2019, Peru's Natural Legacy will carry out planning, management, operation, maintenance, conservation and ecotourism activities, in approximately 35 NPAs of the Peruvian Amazon.

1.3. Peru's Natural Legacy – Amazonia and Climate Project: Effective management of the protected natural areas of the Peruvian Amazon for mitigation and adaptation to climate change.

This cross-cutting project is developed within the framework of the GCF's funding guidelines. The design of the project is led by the National Service of State Natural Protected Areas (SERNANP – in Spanish), with the accompaniment of the Ministry of the Environment of Peru, WWF as an Accredited Entity of the GCF and PROFONANPE as a future executing entity together with SERNANP. A core work team has been formed for the design and with designated focal points from each institution. This project aims to reduce carbon emissions through the improved management of 25 NPAs1 and 12 Buffer Zones (BZs), as well as increasing the resilience of local communities to climate change.

The project will achieve this goal through the implementation of the following components:

  1. Climate mitigation through improved PAs management: Major REDD+ results through reduced deforestation and forest degradation and enhanced carbon sinks and the sustainable management of existing forests (REDD+). Project funds will meet the fulfillment of some of the following management goals, as a priority, Peru’s National Legacy Initiative: a) that there is a designated NPA Manager; b) that there are appropriately demarcated limits; c) that they are legally and physically registered and sanitized; d) that they have prepared and updated master plans, and their implementation be monitored annually; e) that they have established and functioning management committees; f) that they have conditions to carry out the control and surveillance in an efficient way (personnel, infrastructure, equipment, operational expenses), and, g) that they have a system for reporting the conservation status of the NPA.

2. Improving climate adaptationin the NPAs and BZs of the Peruvian Amazon basin: Increased resilience of ecosystems and ecosystem services in the project areas. Increased resilience to climate change of the population living in these areas; support to improve the livelihoods of local communities; new economic opportunities; and protection of infrastructure.

3. New long-term financial mechanisms: Following a “Finance for Permanence” approach, this project will support SERNANP’s ongoing efforts to design and implement new financial mechanisms for nature’s conservation, so that the country is able take full financial responsibility of the program when the one-time external support ends.


Although the Project is a conservation activity, there may be some site-specific environmental and social impacts and therefore the Project may be categorized as Medium risk (Category B). The consultant would need to develop an Environment and Social Management Framework (ESMF) that will address, among others, potential negative and positive impacts of project activities on natural habitats, potential impacts of natural resources management activities, and potential impacts on Indigenous Peoples.

While the proposed Project is unlikely to cause any displacement of communities, it may cause restriction of access to natural resources or extraction of resources from NPAs. Therefore, the Consultant will also develop a Process Framework (PF) in order to establish a process by which members of potentially affected communities participate in the design of project components, determination of measures necessary to achieve WWF’s Resettlement Policy objectives, and implementation and monitoring of relevant project activities. The process framework will delineate the criteria and measures which SERNANP will follow in such cases to ensure that the affected persons are assisted to restore, replace or improve their livelihood in an approach which maintains the environmental sustainability of the protected areas. The PF also establishes mechanisms for redress of grievances that may arise during implementation.

1 ANP: PN Tingo Maria; SN Tabaconas – Namballe; PN Rio Abiseo; PN Sierra Divisor; PN Yanachaga; BP San Matías - San Carlos; PN Yaguas; SN Pampa Hermosa; BP Chicken chickens; PN Güeppi-Sekime; RN Allpahuayo Mishana; RN Matsés; RN Pucacuro; PN Cordillera Azul; RN Pacaya Samiria; PN Manu, Manu, Manu, Manu, SN Megantoni; SN Machupicchu PN Bahuaja zones; RNTambopata; BP High May; PN High Purus; PN Otishi; PN The Grand – Cordillera Havendor; SN Colán Mountain Range

In addition, some of the project areas include Indigenous Communities which has triggered WWF’s policy on Indigenous Peoples. To ensure that any such issues are appropriately addressed, the consultant will need to prepare an Indigenous Peoples Plan Planning Framework/Indigenous Peoples Plan consistent with the requirements of WWF’s Indigenous Peoples Policy.

2.1. Specific Requirement of the Process Framework

A Process Framework describes the process by which affected communities participate in identification, design, implementation and monitoring of relevant project activities and mitigation measures. The purpose of this PF is to ensure participation of Project Affected People (PAP) while recognizing and protecting their interests and ensuring that they do not become worse off as a result of the project. Specifically, the PF will:

  • Describe activities that may involve new or more stringent restrictions on use of natural resources in the project area;
  • Establish the mechanism through which the local communities can contribute to the project design, implementation and monitoring;
  • Identify the potential negative impacts of the restriction on the surrounding communities;

  • Describe the mitigation measures required;

  • Describe the grievance procedure or process for resolving disputes to natural resource use restrictions; and

  • Describe the participatory monitoring arrangements with neighboring community members. The intent of the framework is to ensure transparency and equity, in the planning and implementation of activities by the project. This framework would detail the principles and processes for assisting communities to identify and manage any potential negative impacts of the project activities. Since the exact social impacts will only be identified during project implementation, the Process Framework will ensure that mitigation of any negative impacts from project investments through a participatory process involving the affected stakeholders. It would also ensure that any desired changes by the communities in the ways in which local populations exercise customary tenure rights in the project sites would not be imposed, but should emerge from a consultative process.

The process framework would define the key steps for participation of key stakeholders, in particular local communities in project related activities and decisions, namely through social screening, community orientation and mobilization, mapping of local level or community resources and their utilization, development of investment plans at the village level and mitigation of possible social impacts, participatory monitoring and feedback, conflict resolution, etc. It would also define institutional arrangements for implementation of the participatory framework, including staffing, training and capacity development.


For the implementation of this consultancy the consultant will have: a. The complete list of the NPAs of the Amazonian Biome and the BZs to be included in the project. b. List of all activities and products of the project. c. Access to all public documents of the Peru’s National Legacy Inititative that will be relevant for this consultancy. d. GCF Concept Note. e. The environmental and social policies of PROFONANPE, WWF and the GCF.

During their work, the consultant will also have the opportunity to talk with the SERNANP, WWF and PROFONANPE teams,2 who prepared the pre-project documents and will receive support in the coordinations and accompaniment to visit NPAs and BZs.


The Environmental and Social Management Framework will be developed through the use of primary data already generated by the project's preparation and relevant secondary information available in documents. In addition, the consultant will act as facilitator, with the support of the core team, in field consultations related to environmental and social issues, which will include meetings with communities, local and regional authorities, and others the consultant and the core team of the project deem necessary.

Key activities:

4.1. Coordinate with the core team of the project (Sernanp, WWF, Profonanpe) for the general planning and development of the "Environmental and Social Management Framework" and the associated documentation necessary for the proposal to the GCF.

4.2. Develop a work plan, including interviews or other consultation mechanisms.

4.3. Hold meetings with SERNANP, WWF and PROFONANPE staff.

4.4. Work in coordination with the specialist of the "Gender Analysis and Action Plan" of the project, to receive supplies that contribute to the development of the Environmental and Social Management Framework.

4.5. Schedule field site visit trips simultaneously with the project "Gender Analysis and Action Plan" specialist.

4.6. Evaluate and identify existing institutional, political and legal frameworks of the relevant sectors to ensure the development of the Environmental and Social Management Framework, including the Process Framework and Planning of Indigenous Peoples.

4.7. Conduct a thorough review of relevant literature and documents, including but not limited to: background documents related to environmental and social safeguards; the GCF concept note; current GCF projects and their environmental and social management plans; WWF's policies Indigenous Peoples; and any other documentation relevant to the Peruvian Amazon and for the development of the project.

4.8. Examine the Project’s Theory of Change, through an environmental and social lens, to propose products and activities within the framework of project results.

4.9. Collect primary data on pre-selected3 project sites: a. Complete a mapping of stakeholders. b. Organize information-sharing meetings with project stakeholders (local authorities, community leaders, scientific organizations that focus on the study of nature, etc.) to inform them of the objectives of the project research, the methodologies used and the timeline for data collection.

The objectives, methodologies and timeline for data collection must be first approved by the
Project’s core team (Sernanp, WWF, Profonanpe).

2 The costs associated with field accompaniment will not be assumed by the consultant.
3 Potential sites to be visited are located in section 9.6, however, these could be updated according to coordination meetings.

c. Conduct individual interviews and/or conduct focus group discussions with local peoples, grassroots organizations, local authorities, scientific research organizations and to collect more qualitative and quantitative data in the context of each particular area. d. Conduct home interviews according to pre-selected survey sites.

4.10. Systematize the consultations and visits made to all identified Interest Groups. Include systematization of field visits, surveys, meetings, or others that have been conducted as part of the consultancy.

4.11. With all the primary and secondary information obtained, carry out an analysis of the situation and thereby develop the Environmental and Social Management Framework of the Project, this will include the development of the Process Framework and the Planning Framework Indigenous Peoples. And document detail the processes that will allow communities to identify and manage negative impacts from potential project activities.

4.12. Include the systemization of consultations and situational analysis (paragraphs 3.8 and 3.9) in the "Stakeholder Engagement Plan for the GCF4project."

4.13. Identify and recommend environmental and social goals and activities that are appropriate in the implementation of the project.

4.14. Provide a list of related key environmental and social indicators to be included in the Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) plan.

4.15. Ensure that compliance with the policies and best practices of WWF, GCF and government entities, from the environmental and social focus, are included in the project design, incorporating lessons learned from past projects.

4.16. Carry out a process of review and validation of the work, to ensure that the "Environmental and Social Management Framework" meets the needs of various stakeholders and the requirements of WWF and GCF.

4.17. Completion of the project's "Environmental and Social Management Framework" document, incorporating all the observations and suggestions of the core team.


5.1. Systematization of the information obtained in field visits.

5.2. Draft of the Environmental and Social Management Framework, which includes a Process Framework, an Indigenous Peoples Planning Framework. This will be presented in English and should be discussed with the Project’s core team.

5.3. Final Environmental and Social Management Framework including a Process Framework and an Indigenous Peoples Planning Framework in English and Spanish, with an estimated budget for implementation (see Annex Process Framework). The final report should be prepared after incorporating feedback and comments received from the focal points of SERNANP, PROFONANPE and WWF.


The duration of the consulting work will be approximately 120 days and 30-40 days of field visits. The consultancy work will begin in November and end in March 2020.
This format will be provided by the core team.

Key deliveries and due dates will be determined in the work plan, and payments will be made upon delivery of the products, according to a payment schedule developed jointly and prior approval / conformity of the core team that is working on the design of the project, which It will be expressed in writing by the focal points of SERNANP, WWF and PROFONANPE. It should be noted that the field entry date will be made in coordination and approval of the core team.

The consultant must prove the following requirements:

  • Professional in social, environmental or related sciences for the purpose of the call.
  • With mastery or specialization in safeguards themes.
  • At least 10 years of professional experience in the environment and social safeguards in conservation projects, funded by the Green Climate Fund, Global Environment Facility, World Bank and/or Inter- American Development Bank.
  • Proven experience with IFC performance standards, social and environmental safeguards policies and procedures of the Green Climate Fund, the World Bank or other multilateral donors;
  • Experience in Latin America working in the management of protected areas and/or climate change;
  • Proven experience in the development of safeguard instruments such as ESMF, PPI and Process Frameworks;
  • Demonstrated capacity for analytical work and report writing in English and Spanish;
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills in English and Spanish;
  • Availability to travel to the different areas of the project.
  • Reference to available documents and examples of previous similar work carried out, to provide to the selection committee (Sernanp, Profonanpe. WWF).


Right to award: WWF may reject any or all offers that do not respond to the scope of the company.
Curriculums vitae: Proposals must include the curriculum vitae of all designated personnel.
Deadline: Deadline for submitting proposals is 17:00 (EDT) on November 11, 2019.


Publication: 1-3 days.
Call: 2 weeks.
Candidate submission: At the end of the second week.
Consultant's pre-selection: Third week
Request for economic proposals: At the end of the third week.

Job Types: Part-time, Contract

How to apply:

Interested persons or consulting firms that meet the requested requirements must send their CV, to the email: servicios@wwfperu.org with the subject "Patrimonio Natural de Peru MGAS - FVC"

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